[单选题] 提问人:匿名网友 提问时间:2021-08-24

下列对于导线对地必须保证的安全距离,描述正确的是( )。

A .在跨铁路
B .在交通要道
C .在人行道
D .在乡村小道时,导线的安全距离为3m

提问人:匿名网友 提问时间:2021-08-24



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1 .The debt service transactions of a special assessment bond issue for which the government is not obligated in any manner should be reported in the:

A Enterprise fund. B Special revenue fund. C Agency fund. D Long-term debt account group.

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

2 .对于总降压变电所,对大中型企业,由于负荷较大,往往采用( )或以上电源进线。

A 6 B 10 C 35 D 315

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

3 .Government-wide financial statements would include all government-wide activities associated with operational accountability for all activities except:

A Governmental Activities. B Business-type Activities. C Fiduciary Activities. D Component Unit Activities

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

4 .高压负荷开关具有简单的灭弧装置,能通断一定的负荷电流,但不能断开( )。

A 工作电流 B 稳恒电流 C 过负荷电流 D 短路电流

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

5 .Jonn City entered into a capital lease for equipment during the year. How should the asset obtained through the lease be reported in Jonn City's government-wide statement of net position?

A Other financing use. B General capital asset. C Not reported. D Expenditure.

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

7 .The following information pertains to the transfer of real estate pursuant to a troubled debt restructuring (considered to be an extraordinary event for Knob Co. by Knob Co. to Mene Corp. in full liquidation of Knob's liability to Mene:Carrying amount of liability liquidated $ 150,000 Carrying amount of real estate transferred 100,000 Fair value of real estate transferred 90,000 What amount should Knob report as a pretax extraordinary gain (loss) on restructuring of payables under U.S. GAAP?

A $0 B $60,000 C $50,000 D ($10,000)

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

8 .根据《通用安装工程工程量计算规范》,继电器、控制开关、信号灯、按钮、熔断器等小电器的预留长度为( )。

A 高+宽 B 0.5 C 0.3 D 0.2

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

9 .Ace Co. settled litigation on February 1, Year 2 for an event that occurred during Year 1. An estimated liability was determined as of December 31, Year 1. This estimate was significantly less than the final settlement. The transaction is considered to be material. The financial statements for year-end Year 1 have not been issued. How should the settlement be reported in Ace's year-end Year 1 financial statements?

A Neither a disclosure nor an accrual. B Only an accrual of the settlement. C Disclosure only of the settlement. D Both a disclosure and an accrual.

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

10 .( )是一种较为理想的高温测量仪表,也是中低温区最常用的一种温度检测器。

A 热电阻温度计 B 热电偶温度计 C 双金属温度计 D 辐射式温度计

题型: 单选题 提问时间: 2021-08-24

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