(2014)甲投资人同时买入一支股票的1份看涨期权和1份看跌期权,执行价格均为50元,到期日相同,看涨期权的价格为5元,看跌期权的价格为4元。如果不考虑期权费的时间价值,下列情形中能够给甲投资人带来净收益的有( )。
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1 .当预计标的股票市场价格将发生剧烈变动,但无法判断是上升还是下降时,最适合采用的期权投资策略是( )。
A 保护性看跌期权 B 抛补看涨期权 C 多头对敲 D 空头对敲
2 .(2014)对股票期权价值影响最主要的因素是( )。
A 股票价格 B 执行价格 C 股票价格的波动性 D 无风险利率
3 .利用布莱克-斯科尔斯期权定价模型估算期权价值时,下列表述正确的有( )。
A 在标的股票派发股利的情况下对期权估价时,要从估价中扣除期权未来所派发的全部股利的现值 B 在标的股票派发股利的情况下对期权估价时,要从估价中扣除期权到期日前所派发的全部股利的现值 C 模型中的无风险利率应采用...
4 .已知F公司股票的市场价格为30元,市场上有以该公司股票为标的的、执行价格为35元的看涨期权。下列关于该期权的叙述中正确的是( )元。
A 该期权内在价值为-5元 B 该期权为虚值期权 C 该期权价值等于0 D 如果该期权市场价格为1.5元,则其时间溢价为1.5元
5 .(2014)在其他条件不变的情况下,下列变化中能够引起看涨期权价值上升的有( )。
A 标的资产价格上升 B 期权有效期内预计发放红利增加 C 无风险利率提高 D 股价波动加剧
7 .The type of system most likely to be used to initially record the daily processing of transactions is
A Transaction processing system. B Management information system. C Decision support system. D Executive information system.
8 .Which type of economic market structure is characterized by many firms selling a differentiated product with no significant barriers to entry?
A Monopoly. B Oligopoly. C Perfect competition. D Monopolistic competition.
9 .In which of the following situations would there be inelastic demand?
A 5% price increase results in a 3% decrease in the quantity demanded. B 4% price increase results in a 6% decrease in the quantity demanded. C 4% price increase results in a 4% decrease in the quantity demanded. D 3% price decrease results in a 5% increase in the quantity demanded.
10 .Which of the following procedures would an entity most likely include in its disaster recovery plan?
A Convert all data from EDI format to an internal company format. B Maintain a Trojan horse program to prevent illicit activity. C Develop an auxiliary power supply to provide uninterrupted electricity. D Store duplicate copies of files in a location away from the computer center.r. ?